Sunday, November 3, 2013

Lost in two worlds.

She lived in a state of constant pain. Nothing done or seen or touch does not remind her of her beloved.
Nights meant for those quiet moments..... talking..... laughing...... dreaming...... loving....  are now megaphones for her pain..... amplifying back so that it slams her into submission. There were no holiday’s..... there were no anniversaries..... no birthdays...... lest she counted the anniversary of her beloved’s death. She started counting the days since he left her.Her world was never right after he left her.... like a shattered glass it was destroyed to thousand pieces.... she tried to glue it together... and it did work.... but....... only for a short time. Gradually she understood dat a broken piece will always be broken... and evn if its mended it wont look the same.

In the beginning, she had a numbness that allowed her to exist. Then her memory turned into images like an old silent movie, flickers of images but no detail. Now she remembered details. It was like seeing fire, being burned before, knowing it will hurt, and sticking your hand in anyway. In her mind she inspected his face, his look, what did she miss, what could she have done to save him. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But the thought of not having him near her.... kills her each moment. Her near and dear ones tried to console her, but she was beyond all that.

In between all this, one thing she didn't knew that they were been watched, from the other world. He wanted to tell her it's going to be ok and that he's fine here.

But... the differences between the two worlds stood as a barrier between them.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda. We give out creative writing topics each weekend for Indian bloggers.


  1. This is such a touching short fiction. The description of her loneliness and pain is awesome!

  2. You have described her loneliness so vividly...
    Beautifully written

  3. So sad, but still there is hope. Someday she will discover the secrets of the afterlife and she will be watching too. Beautiful!

  4. i don't know why but a writer mind always find solace in someone loneliness and pain :p well wrote :)

  5. very nice. I wondered how effective a very short piece would be and this tells me it is.

  6. You have been tagged and awarded. :)

  7. You captured her pain and loneliness well. I also believe that our loved ones live on - actually very close to us on the other side. If only we could see and hear!

  8. Well somewhere in our hearts we do believe that our dear ones who have left us physically are still there with us to guide....
    Very nicely you have depicted the feelings of that woman...loved reading it
