Monday, April 1, 2013

A for ... ...

First day and first post to Blogging from A to Z Challenge. I never thought coming up with an alphabet post is gonna be so difficult. Now I knew it and hats off to all the "A to Z challenge" family who have made the first post and who are gonna do it. 

Now on to the first alphabet...

For me A is for Angel.

Been a convent school product, we were taught that God have assigned an angel to each person to look after us and guide us through the right direction. But they are invisible people with wings and a beautiful face. But in course of time I understand that there are angels but not only invisible ones but some human beings who are there during every emotions of our life.

These angel people will never let you down. They can be your family, friends, kids or whoever it is. They just make sure that we are OK. And I am one of those fortunate person who are surrounded by soo much of them that I began to feel proud of myself.

So the first day of April for all the angels in my life. :)

P.S. Every person have an angelic side in him. It's upto us to identify it.

God Blez.


  1. You know it's interesting: I've found two angel posts, both inspirational in their own way, and wildly different from one another.

    Good luck with your A to Z!


  2. Yes Alphabet blogging is hard , you have so many choices but I like the topic of your post today . Here's to the next 26 days!

    My A to Z Challenge

    1. Yea...seriously. Now I know why its called a challenge.

      And thanks a lot for visiting this space. :)

  3. Wonderful post. :)

  4. Hi from a fellow traveler in the A to Z Challenge!

  5. Angel was my "A" topic too!

    Popped in from the AtoZ Challenge.

    1. Same pinch ;) I m coming to check ur Angel too.


  6. An enjoyable read to start the challenge off - best of luck to you, too!
    (from the one doubling up the challenge)

  7. This was such a sweet post, and such a wonderful choice for a beginning. Thanks for sharing your angel. Also, thanks for stopping by the Wayward Gifted.


    1. Thank u. And you are also doing a great job in your blog. :)

  8. Keep going and achieve the best

  9. Yep, we all have angels in our life and without them getting through life would sometimes be all but impossible. Seldom think of myself as an angel, but again, you are right. We all have an angelic side. We don't always know when the angel within us has helped someone. What a great way to start the A to Z

    1. Yea, we are all angels in one way or the other. Thank you so much stopping here. :)
