Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I for ... ...

2nd week and 9th week of the Challenge.

And I am opting for the word " IF "

Ok. Now this is a weird topic... just an illusion that came in my mind...

If Heaven had Facebook or any other communicating network...???

If Heaven had Facebook and all the new technologies of communication.... mmmh.... nope, at least any means of communication. How good it would have been if heaven was just another place, but far from earth.... and we could visit each other anytime we want..... But nope! .... Heaven/death is that entity that just snatches u out from your people... that’s one thing i hate about death. Esp. when there’s so many of your dear ones up there.
Why can’t Heaven be another place up above the skies or the outer space or something? Restrictions can be made, like no seeing or visiting each world but still can communicate with each other. There should be a telecom company exclusively having a network between heaven and earth. Wi-Fi should also be made available. The people who are in earth can pay the credits. See? How simple and realistic!

It would have been so awesome if this turned out to be a reality. Imagine, talking to those people in real when you made yourself believe that they left you for dead. You could share your life with them as before, you will still have each other in your life with some geographical or spatial or whatever distance it is. But still you get a feeling of them been alive in some far off place. You don’t have to worry whether they are happy, lonely or well, coz you could just call/text/mail them and ask. You don’t have to depend upon signs when you want to know their opinion coz they are just a call away. You don’t have to face a R.I.P* engraved tomb every time you wanna be near them.

So, if only Heaven was just another place which was not soo bloody unreachable!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Do you think I am Insane??
God Blez.

*I personally HATEEE the “R.I.P” phrase!


  1. Tough concept. It's difficult from this side. On the other side, I am confident that we will "have full understanding" and will be more than accepting of the way that it is.

    Although, that doesn't make it easier to day.

    Returning visit from A to Z Challenge. First year participating.

    Brett Minor
    Transformed Nonconformist

    1. Hey thanks for reading n commenting. :)

      I know its a tough concept and impossible too... but if it happened would have been nice na... but that changes the meaning of death too.

  2. Well that certainly makes you think.

    Visiting you from A to Z


  3. Very interesting idea! Think you're crazy? Nope :)

    1. Haha... Thanks. :) that was pretty assuring.

  4. I don't mind frequent visits! Thanks for stopping by I is for Intellect. I do think those in heaven do communicate with us, we just aren't always aware of it and it definitely isn't reciprocal, but I still believe it happens.

    Cheers from Brandy at

    1. I do agree with that. But have to keep our inner eyes and heart do much more open. :)

  5. You are about as insane as I am - my post today was about how we don't need to be with people to really be with them. I never considered heaven into the equation...

    1. I really liked your post. At last I got someone yo tag along with. :)

    2. i think I'm happy to yo tag with you - I might help if I know what that means first :)

    3. Sorry that was a typo. Yo=to. :D

  6. Well that takes the long distance communication to an entirely new level - pretty unique idea - would make a great premise for a story:)

    1. Thank u... Technology would reach another level if this happens. ;)

  7. Sounds like a lovely idea, although it would bother me being able to communicate with someone and not seeing them.

  8. Its a splendid idea dear, but then what about the poor people who wouldn't be able to afford the cost of the call, or what about the orphans who wouldn't have anyone calling for them. I guess its for everyone's good that God made Heaven a separate realm away from Earth. Nice thought though :)

    PS: We are all writers and dreamers, never confine yourself in the word "crazy" ;)


    1. Yea I know... As you said, just dreaming about some craziness. :)

  9. My head is spinning. Or is it just me I wonder.

    1. Hahaha... i know this sounds C.R.A.Z.Y! But craziness is the mast of life, nope?


  10. No I don't think you're crazy. I just think you miss some people.

  11. Wouldn't it be awful though if we could talk to the dead AND they could watch over us all the time? We'd be in so much trouble!

    1. Actually I believe that we are being watched by them all the time.

  12. It would be a nice idea. There are a few people who I would love to be able to talk to.

  13. I can't believe I missed this post! I think you should write a novel about this, because it's an awesome idea. I'd love to see the movie, too. :)

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:
