Thursday, November 2, 2017

Changing Home - To WP!

One fine midnight, some years ago while searching for a space for to write without reaching my family's eyes, I came across Blogspot. From then to now, this space been entirely mine and something I am very proud of. This space has seen my mood swings, happiness, confidence, ups & downs. And now, after all these years, I am changing to WordPress, seeking a change in scene and attire for my space.

From today onward it's WordPress!

Finally!!! 😊😊😊

You can find me here @Snippets of Life

Thank you for all the love you shared me here, let's party at the new home. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Heart Prints

A stack of old books came into her way while dusting their room. It was his. While shuffling through the books, she came across a book wrapped completely, as if he was afraid that the words will fly out if kept unbound. 

Out of curiosity she ripped opened it to reveal a diary, showing snippets of writings in bold messy letters.

Today I saw a woman, 

With a mind that leaves butterflies in your soul. 

                    You just have to feel her presence once to remember her forever.    

She turned to next page

Today I saw her again, and she smiled at me.

The intoxicating, whiskey sipping, skinny dipping smile.

Then next...

I feel as if she had magnets in her bones, for the iron in my blood. 

The strength with which she pulls me towards her,

 Just with her eyes is unbelievable.

Then to another....

Even before she looked at me, 

I had begun our forever, 

Though she didn’t have any idea about that.

And ….

I want to fly

I want to live wild

To explore the unknowns

To walk the strange roads

She said ….

But she didn’t ask me to accompany her.

Is this an abrupt end to my forever?

Were the last lines …

After reading through all his writing she felt a pang of jealousy inside her, but yet she couldn’t restrict herself from smiling, to know that underneath the stranger she married, there is a man who has sailed through love and had strong heart prints in him. And now it’s up to her, to give rebirth to the poet in him.

Snippets Courtesy: Atticus

I’m participating in the Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge through October. #WriteBravely

Today’s Prompt – “Heart prints”

 Adding this to #MondayMusings too

Saturday, October 28, 2017

A Date With Her

Woke up to her messages. 

Took the phone to the loo and chatted with her. She was all packed to take that flight away from life, at least for a while. And I am still here, questioning myself about the trip booked two days ago under alcohol influence. But the next morning everything looked so fine. Both of had enough leaves and finance also could be managed even thou wound be under tight reigns. 

We were planning this trip for years now, our sort of "Date". When career took us to two different countries across the globe from each other, the only console where planning these imaginary trips. Now it's going to be a reality. Or should I cancel the whole thing and apologize to her? No. It's too late now and she already left for the airport. 

After debating with myself for what seemed like hours, by evening I left to the airport. We were supposed to mid-way. She said she'll wait at some bookshop in the airport terminal. 

When the flight touched the ground I woke up with a jerk. Yesterday couldn't sleep a wink out of excitement, fear, and my own doubts. 

There she was with a huge bag over her shoulders browsing through the bookshelves, with earphones plugged into her iPod.

That’s how we met. Through music. Debating about my favorite song which she hated for reasons not acceptable for me and over which still we fight a lot.

It's been ages since we met.

My best friend who I haven't seen for the past 5 years. 

I’m participating in the Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge through October. #WriteBravely

Today’s Prompt – “Put your music player on shuffle or turn the radio to your fav. station. Write the post today using the song as your prompt.”

Adding this to #FridayReflections too

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


She could smell payasam here at her room

Amu, take this and give this to him

Her mother called.

After that I can have too,  she thought 

She dashed to the kitchen 

Singing, she jumped each stair to him

He opened the door swiftly, as if 

 Waiting for her to ring the bell

She gave him the dish, which he took 

And called her inside, which she did

She stood there and looked around

Same as her flat, but hers was prettier

She smiled 

And turned to leave

But to a closed door

He stood near her, very near

Without giving space to breathe




She ran down five minutes later

Scrubbed and rinsed from head to toe 

Tearing her lips and cheeks ...

Amu, come and have payasam

Her mother called.


20 years later, Amu shed tears for that 9-year-old who met a monster while typing #Metoo  

I’m participating in the Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge through October. #WriteBravely

Today’s Prompt – “Monster.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Courage Over Comfort

He turned the key and opened his door

Darkness and loneliness were awaiting him

It was not like this before some time

So many souls used to clue their eyes to the door

For him to appear after a day’s work

But now everything changed

He closed the door and let out a sigh

Neither sad nor sorry for anything

But just pride beaming in his eyes

He went inside his darkroom

Like a butterfly that breaks its cocoon

And flies out to freedom, he emerges out

In a red saree with bold lips and smoky eyes

And dangle earrings and gajra on her mane

Choosing courage over comfort

I’m participating in the Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge through October. #WriteBravely

Today’s Prompt – “You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, but you cannot choose both.

Adding this to #FridayReflections too

Monday, October 16, 2017

A Compliment ...

In school, the teacher told me to keep quiet
And stop complaining even though
The sweet boy next to me was bullying me

The principal in my college told me
To shut my mouth and enlightened me that ragging
Is a must for mental strength

My boss demanded to prove myself multiple times
For that promotion I deserved
When my male colleague was handed that in a jiff

At the age of 24 I was forced to see men
So that could they could judge me, mark me
And weigh me against dowry

At 25 I was told by in-numerous aunts, uncles and neighbors
It’s high time to find a man to protect me because
Society doesn’t have the heart to hold single girls of 25+

At 27 I became a spoilt girl when
Decided to walk out of a marriage
They said emotional abuse was nothing

All these people had one thing in common
Even though the situations varied
Scenarios changed
Personalities differed

All these people had one thing to say
One compliment to make me smile
That I was Disobedient.

I’m participating in the Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge through October. #WriteBravely

Today’s Prompt – “Disobedience”

Adding this to #MondayMusings too